One of my closest friends will be leaving for Thailand soon in an effort to assist women who have just been rescued from the sex slave industry.  Miss Kelly King’s campaign is called Hope to Thailand and it is partnered with Fashion Hope. 

Most of the women she is traveling so far to meet have no means of supporting themselves financially as well as no skills after being held and abused in captivity for so long. They are emotionally and physically destroyed but are on the way to a better life through rehabilitation and therapy at safe houses. 
Kelly who is an accomplished and beautiful jewelry maker will teach these women her trade in order to make a living of their own. This helps stop the cycle and allows them to provide for themselves and their families after an extremely traumatic and destructive time in their lives. One, most of us cannot even begin to imagine. 

Sex trafficking generates 32 BILLION dollars a year. YES. I said that with a B. It’s colossal and insane that in 2014 slavery is still going strong.
Survivors need help past being rescued. They cannot be forgotten. 

Please help and visit and donate. Make a difference. 
My Floro is another jewelry line supporting Kelly’s venture. They will donate a chunk of sales of the bracelets I’m wearing below directly to HTT. 
This is a way better Mother’s Day gift than boring old flowers.  Surprise her this year with a gift that gives even further to other Mothers and children. 

Free shipping!!!! 

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